How could our live-and-work environments look like in the future in Rotterdam? In this online session, we’ll study the potential of mixed-use typologies to create productive urban ecosystems together with studio Iza Slodka. Sign up here to join this webinar by Europan 15 x Productive Rotterdam (in English).
Izabela Slodka – winner of Europan 15 Rotterdam “Vierhavensblok” – presents three case studies of innovative mixed-use typologies for urban manufacturing that are relevant to the context of the Vierhavensblok in the Merwevierhavens ares (M4H) in Rotterdam. Together with a panel of experts and Rotterdam city makers she will zoom in on the local ecosystem in M4H and draw lessons for the future development of the Vierhavensblok.
About Izabela
Izabela Slodka is a Rotterdam based architect. Her winning Europan 15 proposal “Makers’ Maze” for Vierhavensblok in Rotterdam, illustrates Iza’s fascination with post-industrial sites. It is part of ongoing research focusing on unique spatial and material qualities of these, often forgotten, parts of the cities. She is looking for existing conditions that attract makers, designers, creating vibrant and creative atmosphere.
You can sign up for this online webinar via the ‘Meld je aan’ button below. This session is part of a series focussing on work-and-live typologies of the future, all taking place on Wednesday 25th of November. Click here to join other Europan 15 x Productive Rotterdam sessions.